VIU Campus Development

Report an Access Issue

See an Accessibility Issue on Campus?

Let us know if you encounter any physical barriers (e.g., an out of order elevator, power door opener, construction blocking a path, etc.) at any of the VIU campuses.

For urgent issues, Security can be reached by calling 6600 from any VIU internal phone or 250.740.6600 from your cell phone

For non-urgent physical access concerns please use this form to submit a report to the Universal Access Office:

If this is a student accommodation issue, please contact: 
Accessibility Services at phone: 250.740.6446 or email:

Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.

Have more photos or video to send?

To report an access issue at VIU with photos and video, please download the VIU Safety app for your mobile phone and use the "Accessibility Information" section of the app.

To download just go to the App StoreGoogle Play or Blackberry App World.